We Are EkoRevive


Ekorevive is an ideal partnership of values, passion & the eye for something different. When Charlotte & David bought a very run down house in Provence on a whim then realised just how much work was needed to get it ship shape & rentable on the budget they had, they had to dig deep, collect free & cheap furniture and upcycle or build it from scratch. Peace of Provence was born & without knowing it, they had just created the foundation stones for the Ekorevive venture.

So why this passion to upcycle, create, live ecologically?

David Huntley was born in the UK but has made his home in France. With a career in spray painting, car renovation & high end decorating under his belt. David is now utilising his talent & passion for creative design. He has always been enthusiastic about interior design, attention to detail, beautiful pieces of furniture allowing his mind to return to the time it was first created, reliving it’s story.

David loves nothing better than finding a piece of dusty vintage furniture and turning it into a stunning upcycled model, opening the chapters for a new story to emerge.

Helped by his partner Charlotte, a yoga teacher, ecofeminist & life alignment coach who is passionate about locally sourced & old vintage style, with an eye for detail & a head for technology, she is responsible for their online presence & the marketing.


Workshops, Retreats and Events

Atelier Brocante Opening Hours

Come & visit us on Tuesdays 17h30 – 19h00 at Créa Mountain in Séez, 73700 or by appointment

We having a continually changing stock of items and a small brocante set up in our workshop for you to come and browse, get ideas for bespoke items, create signs for your own business or home, select lights or discuss new designs.

Women's Spirit Festival, Vaison la Romaine

13th – 14th May 2023, Pop Up Shop & Expo at the Women’s Spirit Festival in Provence

An opportunity to meet Charlotte & David and check out the range of furniture, lights, signs, cushion covers and more hand crafted, up cycled furniture. This unique festival is a great moment in the Spring calendar – perfect for those inspirations for your indoors & garden revival.



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